Six Days in Spring
Six Days in Spring
EN/ The Festival is divided in the following sections:
- International Competition for Short Films: this competition is opened to free topic audio-video productions, fictions, documentaries, of any shooting format, total running time must be no more than 30 minutes in length including title and credits.
- International Doc “Identity & Diversity”: International Competition dedicated to documentary audio-video productions, of any shooting format, total running time must be no more than 30 minutes in length including title and credits, the main topic of which will be the feeling of identity and diversity, bound to either a place or a territory or a community, with clearly defined social and anthropological facts.
- Mono: International competition opened to audio-video productions, of any shooting format, dealing with a specific topic chosen every year by the Festival Direction board. Total running time of each film must be no more than 30 minutes in length including title and credits.
- Off Competition: dedicated to selected works, under specific invitation of the Direction Board.
Associazione Centro Internazionale CinemAvvenire
Artistic Direction: Sergio Di Lino
Viale dello Scalo San Lorenzo N° 51/53
00185 Roma
T +39 644 362602
F +39 644 362602
Type : Festival
Period : June
Deadline : May
Prioritary : No