Six Days in Spring
Six Days in Spring
EN/ Every year the festival presents a selection of films from all over the world: all of them emphasize the cultural identity or the landscape's features of a certain territory through the audiovisual narration. A jury of personages of the film industry awards the best films among the ones selected for the official competition.
During the Festival week, in addition to the competition's film screenings, there is a special section about "denied location" and there also are omages to important figures of the international film industry. The Festival is an important part of a wider project called "Cinema and territory" that aims at protecting cultural and landscape peculiarities of territories in order to promote them through the audiovisual medium.
Every year the Festival also hosts the BILC, the only European market devoted to locations and film tourism, a place for both a cultural and economic exchange between film industry and territory.
Office Secretary
Via Luigi Mazzella 71
Ischia Ponte
80077 Ischia
T +39 81 984 588
Type : Festival
Period : July
Deadline : April
Prioritary : No