
2121, hypothèses, associations

Michel Steyaert

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2121, hypothèses, associations

Film informations

Michel Steyaert

Not long ago, amidst almost universal indifference, the legislative framework that has held together the non-profit sector in Belgium since 1921 entered a new era, with the adoption of the Code on Companies and Associations. This made non-profit organisations a business like any other – or close to it. In this ensemble film, the Collectif21 and the Centre Video de Bruxelles (CVB) went out to discover just how close the two now are, to reveal and contextualise a not- for-profit dynamic that serves the common good and is a force for emancipation and social transformation.

company credits and distribution


CVB - Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles

Michel Steyaert
phone : +32 2 221 10 50
e-mail : info(at)
website :