Film informations
Flo Flamme
Añoranza is a form of nostalgia, of homesickness.“We are torn between a nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign andstrange. As often as not, we are homesick most for the places we have never known.”Carson McCullers, The heart is a lonely hunter.Añoranza’s anchor point is a life-size, bronze sculpture of John Lennon, sitting on a bench in a parkin the centre of Havana, Cuba. Since its inauguration some ten years ago, the statue has changedthe park and its environment. This statue of the « wortking class hero » very quickly became atourist attraction and catapulted the little square into the tourist brochures.Añoranza is a film about the desires and dreams of these 3 old, children of the Cuban revolution.A film about the last chapter that they are writing, lost in a rapidly changing world.