Archibelge : Vue sur mer
Film informations
Sofie Benoot,Gilles Coton and Olivier Magis
A 3 episodes TV serie about Belgian architecture. From the “far west”model of roadside towns to the Belgian coast and its buildings fence,we go here and there, North to South and West to East searching for theidentity of what’s make our home the “ugliest and most beautiful countryin the world” according to Belgian architect and writer Renaat Braem.As we go deep inside our very lands, we find people and homes. Andas far as the eye can see, they seem to belong to each other. That’sexactly what’s Archibelge ! is about : meeting people who live side byside with Belgian architecture and urbanism.
company credits and distribution
Playtime Films
Isabel de la Serna
phone : +32 2 502 31 74
e-mail : info(at)
website :