The Ladies’ delight?
Gaëlle Hardy and Agnès Lejeune

The Ladies’ delight?
Gaëlle Hardy and Agnès Lejeune
Gaëlle Hardy and Agnès Lejeune
Aged between 20 and 65... They are cleaning ladies, as they used to be called… Every morning they spread across Liège in private homes that call on their services. Most of them left education early; they worked in factories, or as undeclared workers and then changed tack… Others were salespeople, educators, teachers or caregivers… Then there were the ups and downs of life: kids to be fed, a man who one leaves, or who ups and offs, impossible hours in a job that one otherwise loved… so yes, they take the plunge and join the service voucher system. They set to work cleaning up the muck that no one else wants to deal with, that has been a woman’s lot since time immemorial. This chorus of ladies wants to do battle and reveal all: they talk of solitude, invisibility, discretion, autonomy, trust, respect, humiliation, rage, anger, physical and psychological exhaustion, repetition, encounters, training, dreams, distress, and the conditions for happiness in their work… A choral song that draws the outline of the condition of brave, luminous women who have taken the gamble of writing a page of their history with us.
Christine Pireaux
phone : +32 4 342 36 02
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