Chaplin in Bali
Raphaël Millet

Chaplin in Bali
Raphaël Millet
Raphaël Millet
In 1932, undergoing a midlife crisis aggravated by the coming of the talkies, Chaplin decides not to return to Hollywood after touring Europe to promote “City Lights”. Instead, with his brother Sydney, he "escapes" to Bali. The island seems a real peace haven, as he is virtually unknown there. Fascinated by the serene lifestyle of its inhabitants, Chaplin finds rejuvenation and inspiration in their dances, which he films extensively with the help of his brother. Somehow, the Balinese lifestyle and culture strangely resonate in him, so much so that Chaplin goes as far as dancing with the Balinese, aptly mimicking their dance moves that unexpectedly echo his own art of pantomime. Most importantly, Bali helps him resolve his fear of sound, thus enabling him to embark on a new phase of filmmaking that will lead him to "Modern Times", the first movie in which he does even better than speak, he sings! Yet, this moment of epiphany in Bali is not pure naivety on the part of Chaplin, as he is also discovers the colonial world and is able to perceive its limitations, and eventually its dark side. This even leads him to write the script of a virulently anticolonial film, that he never filmed, but which contributed to further is political awakening and strengthen is dislike of any form of domination.
Marion Hänsel
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