
Culture en péril (ceci n'est pas un statut)

Marc-Olivier Picron

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Culture en péril (ceci n'est pas un statut)

Film informations

Marc-Olivier Picron

Lorenzo Chiandotto, Emily Hermans, Claude Semal, Alexandre Dewez, François Houart, Patty Eggerickx, Frédéric Dussenne, Garpar Leclère, Olivier Coyette, Olivier PY, Maxime Dechesne (Smart asbl), Claire De Haan (ONEM), Toine Thys, Rosa Matthis, Karine C

Theausterity policy organized for two years in Belgium by the ProvisionalGovernment pushed aside the French-speaking cultural world.

Since2011, the National office of the Employment (ONEM) undertook a real hunting tothe unemployed persons.

Amongthem, 250 artists lose their status and find themselves in the second period ofcompensation with allowances reduced to 430 euros a month.

Theyquote the ONEM in front of the court to dispute the interpretations differentfrom the regulations of access to the unemployment for the artists. They winall their trial against the ONEM. The artists denounce the slaughter everywherein Europe of cultural policies. Behind the paste and the glitter of theceremony of Magritte hides from nibbled apple cores testifying of a generalmalaise of the profession, but especially of a big gap between the real-liferealities.

company credits and distribution


Abracadabra Films

Marc-Olivier Picron
phone : +32 2 733 37 59
e-mail : abraca.films(at)
website :


Marc-Olivier Picron