Since You Went Away
Olivier Van Malderghem

Since You Went Away
Olivier Van Malderghem
Olivier Van Malderghem
My daughter Marjorie, sick with leukemia, falls into a coma. She is abandoned by my maternal family, which dispenses with all support and all visits. I start an imaginary dialogue with her. We are renewing the threads of our common history. We relive our happy moments... Moments that we lived without a second thought, but which, unbeknownst to us, could trigger a fierce envious hatred: Marjorie embodied a joie de vivre, a vital impetus that her grandmother's family could not bear. , welded around the secrecy covering the participation of one of them in unavowable crimes.
Olivier Van Malderghem
phone : 32 25 44 19 00
e-mail : ovanmalder(at)