Folie privée
Joachim Lafosse

Folie privée
Joachim Lafosse
Joachim Lafosse
Kris Cuppens, Catherine Salee, Vincent Cahay, Mathias Wertz
The film is freely based on Euripides' tragedy Medea.Pascale has left Jan. She has decided to start over with Didier. Jan has grudgingly accepted to give Pascale custody of their 7 year-old son, Thomas. He also lets her keep the family housen where she will go on living with her new partner. But when she wants to settle in, Jan, contrary to his promise, refuses to leave because he doesn't want to be separated from his son. Pascale can't take it anymore. When Didier finally moves in, the conflict peaks, uncovering Jan's anger and Pascale's, Didier's and Thomas's confusion. In less than 24 hours, each character's destiny tips completely over.Just like Medea, Jan doesn't accept separations.
Eric Van Zuylen
phone : +32 476 75 17 74
e-mail : ericvanzuylen(at)