Julia Ducournau

Julia Ducournau
Julia Ducournau
Garance Marillier, Ella Rumpf, Joana Preiss
1All the members of 16-year-old Justine’s family arevegetarians and vets. So when she arrives on campusat the vet school, where her big sister aged 20 is alsostudying, it might look as though her future is mappedout for her. Up until the day when Justine breaks herdietary regime for the first time and eats some offal.This dietary upheaval quickly has an effect. Justine findsherself suffering an irresistible hunger for meat, whichshe does her best to fight off until she realises that whather body is demanding is human flesh.
Jean-Yves Roubin
phone : +32 4 231 38 63
e-mail : infos(at)frakas.be
website : www.frakas.be
Wild Bunch