
I for Iran

Sanaz Azari and Nemesio SANCHEZ

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I for Iran

Film informations

Sanaz Azari and Nemesio SANCHEZ

Behrouz Majidi

Brussels, behind the closed doors of a classroom. Using a textbook dating from the Islamic revolution, Sanaz Azari, the director, learns how to read and write in Persian, her mother tongue. Over the course of the lessons, the teacher initiates her to the basics of the language, which becomes a gateway to the history and culture of Iran. Gradually, the didactic method of the lessons evolves into a poetic, visual collage, which introduces the notion of freedom and questions the meaning of a revolution.

company credits and distribution


CVB - Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles

Michel Steyaert
phone : +32 2 221 10 50
e-mail : info(at)
website :