
Inside the labyrinth

Caroline d'Hondt

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Inside the labyrinth

Film informations

Caroline d'Hondt

Inside the labyrinth takes us on a journey into the lands of the Tohono O’odham indigenous people, located at the border between the American State of Arizona and the Mexican State of Sonora. The film follows individuals from this community, who contemplate the meaning of identity, indigenous sovereignty, immigration, borders and fear. It takes us to the heart of a migration zone, where military presence is increasing and where walls are being erected. As the film transports us there, it tells a story that echoes throughout the world, as states pursue policies of isolation and militarization to ensure their security. It is a journey to the center of the labyrinth.

company credits and distribution


Cobra Films

Anne Deligne & Daniel De Valck
phone : +32 (0) 2 544 19 69
e-mail : contact(at)
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