King of the Belgians
Peter Brosens and Jessica Woodworth

King of the Belgians
Peter Brosens and Jessica Woodworth
Peter Brosens and Jessica Woodworth
Peter Van den Begin, Lucie Debay, Titus de Voogdt, Bruno Georis, Pieter van der Houwen
King Nicolas II of the Belgians is on a mission in Istanbulwith his entourage and a British filmmaker, DuncanLloyd, who has been commissioned by the Palaceto shoot a documentary intended to polish his image.Meanwhile, Wallonia (the southern half of Belgium) declaresits independence. The kingdom has collapsed.The King must return home at once. But the cosmos decidesotherwise. A solar storm strikes the earth causingairspace and communications to shut down. Thus beginsthe King’s odyssey across the Balkans…