
The Ghinzu case

Atelier Collectif Zorobabel

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The Ghinzu case

Film informations

Atelier Collectif Zorobabel

Christophe Morisset, Éric Drabs, Vera Van Doren, Thierry Bellefroid, Philippe Tasquin, Carlo Ferrante, Mika Nagazaki & Greg Remy

Animated film report on the 'Ghinzu' case. After the disappearance of john Stargasm, the band(s singer, journalist Thomas Lanvers with a camera on his shoulder, follows the evolution of the band after hiring a new singer, monroe Charles, a childhood friend of John's. The document presented to the audience is a DV cassette found by the police and shown in its entirety without any editing.

company credits and distribution



William Henne & Delphine Renard
phone : +32 2 538 24 34
e-mail : zorobabel(at)
website :