Le calendrier
Patrick Ridremont

Le calendrier
Patrick Ridremont
Patrick Ridremont
Eugénie Derouand, Honorine Magnier, Clément Olivieri & Janis Abrikh
Eva, a 29-year-old paraplegic and former dancer, has been living in a wheelchairfor the past three years. On her birthday, she receives from her best friendSophie a mysterious advent calendar. But the small calendar windows do nothide traditional sweets or candy, and as Eva opens them each day, she gets toface more and more disturbing surprises : sometimes pleasant, often terrifying,and increasingly bloody. Even though she knows she should stop this morbidcountdown, she cannot help but carry on. On the first day everything’s fine...on the last day everything’s fine... In between, it is hell!
Jean-Yves Roubin
phone : +32 4 231 38 63
e-mail : infos(at)frakas.be
website : www.frakas.be