
Le club des "silencieux"

Yveline Nathalie Pontalier

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Le club des "silencieux"

Film informations

Yveline Nathalie Pontalier

What are the daily experiences of deaf people who try to makethemselves understood? Few people know sign language. In Gabon,some deaf people themselves are not fluent users.In Libreville, ASMG (Association of Gabonese deaf people) is anassociation of deaf people that has existed for 27 years. Within theASMG the football team, “Le club des silencieux de Libreville” (TheSilent Club of Libreville), trains with the dream to participate one dayin the Deaf World Cup.

company credits and distribution


Fox P2 Production

Stéphane Collin
phone : +32 484 26 82 46
e-mail : stephane-collin(at)


Yveline Nathalie Pontalier