

Alphabetical Disorder

Film informations

Claude François

For the first time ever, this film traces the history of surrealism in Belgium, evoking its main figures as well as a great number of their associates. Since any
idea of notoriety was completely foreign to them, most are still little-known today. Paul Nougé, René Magritte, Louis Scutenaire, Achille Chavée, Marcel Mariën, Jacques Lacomblez, Tom Gutt and many others are revealed in all their singularity, thanks to the many varied works (no less than 260), to the filmed archives and to the testimonials of several members of the movement and of historians. In contrast with common misconceptions, Alphabetical Disorder shows how surrealist activities are a well-thought-out and rigorous adventure, with no equivalent in Belgium in terms of ambition or duration – a movement that started in 1924 continues its ongoing experimentation to this day.