The Price of Folly
Safia Kessas

The Price of Folly
Safia Kessas
Safia Kessas
Gaëlle, is a “returnee”, from Syria. After serving a heavy prison sentence forwanting to join ISIS, she must now retrieve the course of her life. However, theobstacles are numerous. The judicial system has not created the proper conditionsfor a seamless transition home. Gaëlle has changed. She acknowledges hermistakes. However, the judicial system does not believe it. It freezes Gaëlle in asimple image of a radical Islamic woman. By not granting her a second chance,the system is taking the risk of over-radicalizing - here in Belgium and not inSyrian hell -, these returnees abandoned to themselves. Without the supportof her family, Gaëlle would not be able to escape this spiral.
Arnauld de Battice
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