
The Bag of Flour

Kadija Leclere

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The Bag of Flour

Film informations

Kadija Leclere

Hafsia Herzi, Hiam Abbass, Smain Fairouze, Mehdi Dehbi, Souad Saber, Rania Mellouli

Alsemberg, December 1975, Sarah, 8 years old, lives in a Catholic foyer. One day, her biological father, whom she has never met, comes to take her for a week-end in Paris. But it is in Morocco that Sarah wakes up, in a little town lost in the middle of the Atlas.
Very soon, her father leaves, abandoning her without any explanation. She then slips into the life of a little Moroccan girl where the only schooling she is offered is that of knitting.
Nine years later, we find Sarah, 17 years old, a teenager like all the others... At least, almost. We are in 1984, in the middle of a hunger revolt (The Revolt of ‘Awbach’). Sarah’s father has never sent the money he had said he would, and for the family where she is staying, each mouth to feed accounts for more and more. Sarah will have to find a way to earn her board.
And then, there’s Nari, that beautiful politically engaged student... But then, there is also her wish of leaving, to going back to the Belgium of her childhood, the school, the books and a life that Sarah imagines free...

company credits and distribution

World sales

Noori Pictures