

L’étrange balade de Sarina

Film informations

Marie Mandy

Sarine Cohn et son chien Nogag

It is about a town, a young girl and a walk. Itis about what you see, and what you don’tsee. Phantom images and holes in the brain.Because the eye is a viewfinder but sees onlysubjectively… How can we be sure that whatwe see is really there? Quantum mechanicsshow that reality exists only because itis viewed by an observer. If the observer isblind, do the things exist anyway? Sarina, 18years old, is walking through her home city ofBrussels. She describes it in her own way: insensations and light… dreaming that she is agiant, one night taking hold of the city, strokingit with her fingertips… And what if seeingbeyond what is visible means perceiving justthe essence of things and, in Sarina’s words,taming death itself?

company credits and distribution


Luna Blue Film

Serge Kestemont
phone : +32 2 537 40 70
e-mail : lunabluefilm(at)
website :