
The man with harpoon

Isabelle Christiaens

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The man with harpoon

Film informations

Isabelle Christiaens

My name is Alain. I’m 45 years old. I shot a harpon into the head ofmy mistress’s husband . he’d threatened to kill her. He didn’t die. Igot 14 years. I’ve been in the nick for four years now, and the appealscourt will soon decide whether to release me on probation. My onlyambition for the moment is to help my family. It’s not my freedomI miss most. It’s my dignity. You’re nothing when you’re in prison.Nothing when you get out…I’m followed by trouble, a shrink… and a camera.

company credits and distribution



Olivier Dubois
phone : +32 2 736 27 62
e-mail : info(at)
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