Lobos sucios
Simon Casal de Miguel

Lobos sucios
Simon Casal de Miguel
Simon Casal de Miguel
Marian Álvarez, Manuela Vellés, Pierre Kiwitt, Thomas Coumans, Sam Louwyck
Magic meets reality in a story inspired by real events.1942. Manuela, a single mother, works in the Wolframmines in rural Galicia. The mines are run by Nazi Germanyand the Allies are eager to make sure the strategic metaldoes not reach German factories. When her sister Candela,helps a Jewish prisoner to cross the border to Portugal,they both will get involved in a game of power thatwill make them choose between their sense of justice ora riskless life.
John Engel
phone : +32 2 345 45 05
e-mail : marie(at)leftfield.be
website : leftfieldventures.com