
Mokoomba, from one shore to another

Frank Dalmat and François Ducat

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Mokoomba, from one shore to another

Film informations

Frank Dalmat and François Ducat

Mokoomba, from one shore to another is the story of a band of six musicians from Zimbabwe who win a 3-month tour in Europe during the “Music Crossroads 2008” festival. Behind this victory offering financial perspectives they and their community never could have dreamt of, a surprise is to put them to a severe test.Mokoomba's journey deals with the relation between culture and sustainable development in Africa. Could this relation be an economic lever in the South countries without a form of reciprocity with the North countries?

company credits and distribution


Iota Production

Isabelle Truc
phone : +32 2 344 65 31
e-mail : contact(at)
website :

World sales

Doc and Film international