

Delphine Lehericey

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Film informations

Delphine Lehericey

Solène Rigot – Audrey Bastien – Vincent Perez

At 14, Diane is an enigmatic, solitary teenager. She takes care of her younger brother Marc, and she has a particularly close relationship with her father Christian. When a young, charismatic and liberated English girl named Julia arrives in their neighbourhodd, Diane's life turned upside down.
Diane wants to grow up at any price, and in the space of six months, she will have some of the most thrilling experiences of her life. To closer she gets to Julia, the more she forgets about morals, consequences or the limits to her own desires.

company credits and distribution


Entre Chien et Loup

Diana Elbaum
phone : +32 2 736 48 13
e-mail : info(at)
website :

World sales

Latido Films