
Rock (And Roll) Isn't Only Rock And Roll

Céline Charlier and Didier Gesquière

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Rock (And Roll) Isn't Only Rock And Roll

Film informations

Céline Charlier and Didier Gesquière

What was your first ever connection with Rock? A song, an artist, analbum, a concert, a film, an image, a parent... ? It’s in this way and byasking this question that our documentary-adventure begins to exploreRock... (And Roll!) The persons interviewed and consulted (artists, writers,journalists, concert organisers, fan bases, young kids, teenagers orsimply those that listen to this music) tell their stories and share theirexperiences. Memories, anecdotes, historical facts and figures, viewson style, currents and counter-currents will cross paths and collide totell a certain, entirely subjective story of this vast culture. Narration thatcalls upon the multiple to dissect the singularity of the word Rock!

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