Lost Harmonies
Film informations
Joachim Thôme
Albert Huybrechts is a Belgian composer born in 1899. A Prisoner of his proletarian origins andan alienating family, music was his salvation, his escape. His premature death at 38 left him verylittle time to let his nonetheless masterly compositions be heard.Today, his unique work and life are being rediscovered, like a letter that had slipped beneath apiece of furniture.Through a testimony written by the composer’s brother, the film develops a free form, a blendof voice, music, invention and reality. What follows is an emotional and moving look into thepersonal life of one of the greatest Belgian artists of the 20th century.
company credits and distribution
Les Productions du Verger
Jérôme Laffont
phone : +32 485 50 32 86
e-mail : info(at)
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