
Trois journées d'août 1914

André Dartevelle

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Trois journées d'août 1914

Film informations

André Dartevelle

Three days in August 1914, the 22nd, 23rd and 24th.More than 5,000 unarmed Belgian women and menwere massacred by regular units of the Germanarmy, their homes pillaged and burned. 8 Belgiantowns, 83 villages and hamlets were destroyed inwhat appeared to be an outburst of madness andrevenge. By invading Belgium on August 4th, 1914,the German Empire’s troops launched World War Oneand encountered unexpected resistance from theBelgian army. Why these mass murders of civilians?My film aims to answer that question. Behind thefacts and figures, the words live on. The descendantsof those slaughtered have not forgotten. Especiallyas the families have been unable to rebuild themselvesfollowing the massacres. In Dinant and 4villages of the Gaume, they talk about the burden ofthese crimes against humanity over four generations,along with their sorrow and their rage over the lack ofcommemoration and recognition for the crimes andtheir consequences.

company credits and distribution



Julie Freres
phone : +32 4 342 49 39
e-mail : info(at)
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