
Une ferme entre chien et loup

Chantale Anciaux

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Une ferme entre chien et loup

Film informations

Chantale Anciaux

Between poetry and realism, the film recounts thedaily life of André and Marie-Thérèse, 64 and 70years of age, and that of their children and theiranimals of all species (hair and feathers). A motleycrew who work hard, dance and laugh a lot, despitethe impending closure of “Ferme de la Barrière” farm.This film is also the story of my enjoyable encounterwith them, an encounter that involved mutual initiation: they taught me their ancestral know-how andmy pictures gave them unexpected insight into theirenvironment.

company credits and distribution


Memento Production

Françoise Levie
phone : +32 476 35 80 13
e-mail : flevie(at)
website :