Castle life
Film informations
Chantale Anciaux
In Chimay, the castle that was about to fall into wrack and ruin was saved in thenick of time by a love story. The inhabitants of Chimay speak of a magic wand,of a fairy-tale princely marriage. For Françoise, the new princess, saved “their”castle. In a flamboyant decor of revisited traditions, the princes of Chimay todaywelcome contemporary musicians and artists in strange face-offs with theancestors and ghosts featured in the portraits.
Castle life reveals a surprising curiosity cabinet combining the old and thenew, the real and the fake, the beautiful and the kitsch, the natural and thedevised.
company credits and distribution
Memento Production
Françoise Levie
phone : +32 476 35 80 13
e-mail : flevie(at)
website :
World sales
Memento Production