

Vivre sa mort

Film informations

Manu Bonmariage

“Vivre sa mort” recounts the final days of two couples with children. The husbands have cancer andare growing gradually more inquisitive and drawn to the idea of euthanasia.Philippe Rondeux, because of his almost ancestral faith, hardly dares think about it, but theprogress and torture of the disease has caused him to question himself in order to accompany himon the path to his death.Manu de Coster, a surgeon, has entrusted himself to colleagues at the Clinique St Pierre deOttignies with a view to performing euthanasia, and to Gabriel Ringlet for spiritual support,despite his faith in “God all-powerful” leaving him sceptical.The two cancer sufferers slide progressively closer to death, with or without euthanasia, under thebenevolent regard of my camera...

company credits and distribution


Azimut Production

Manu Bonmariage
phone : +32 2 268 19 83