

Welcome to Fukushima

Film informations

Alain de Halleux

One year spent in the daily lifeof some Japanese families in Minamisoma, at 20 km from the damaged FukushimaDaiichi nuclear power plant. After efforts of decontamination, scientificuncertainties, hesitations of the authorities, who should we trust ?Should we stay? Should we leave? Each family is facing its own decisions alone.The director tells the 'after-the-event' so that the children will laterremember. But the threats are weighing on the current status of the nuclearpower plant. The families suitcases and petrol cans are ready in order to leaveas quickly as possible if a new earthquake or tsunami would occur.  

company credits and distribution


Simple production

Kathleen de Béthune
phone : +32 2 217 47 30
e-mail : simple.production(at)
website :