

Lut Vandekeybus

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Film informations

Lut Vandekeybus

In WIM neemt documentairemaakster Lut Vandekeybus ons mee in het energieke, poëtische en complexe universum van haar broer, de gelauwerde choreograaf en regisseur Wim Vandekeybus. Een begeersterend portret van een indrukwekkende carrière.

Performer, choreographer and director Wim Vandekeybus is a man of many families. He grew up surrounded by brothers and sisters, founded a creative family in dance company Ultima Vez, and now has grown-up children of his own. Drawing on performances, rehearsals, interviews and family archives, Lut Vandekeybus explores her brother's restless creativity and the way these family circles interconnect, inspire and sometimes clash with his work. WIM is poetic yet perceptive, intimate but never indulgent.

company credits and distribution
