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FANTASPOA - International Fantastic Film Festival of Porto Alegre (Porto Alegre)

EN/ In 2005, Fantaspoa was created with the idea of promoting a film festival in the city of Porto Alegre, directed towards the fantastic genre. Since then, each year the festival is atracting a bigger audience, increasing its attractiveness for the genre film lover, and for general media, which fully support our independent initiative.

At the moment the festival is the biggest genre festival in Brazil. It even managed to

become the most significant genre festival in whole Latin America. The aim is to become one of the biggest genre festival in the world.

There are 17 different awards granted at the festival.

Fantaspoa - Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantástico de Porto Alegre
Rua Dom João VI, 246

CEP 90660-020

Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil

T +5551 8436 2968



Type : Festival

Période : Août

Deadline : Mai

Prioritaire : Non