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International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg (Mannheim-Heidelberg)

EN/ From more than 1.000 submissions the festival picks a selection of roundabout 40 to 50 films by new authors - to be presented as real premieres. Throughout the year, the film scouts and the selection committee search the world to find these few extraordinary talents they consider to be the most interesting and aesthetically extraordinary works. Any film presented in Mannheim-Heidelberg receives focussed attention of about 1.000 international industry professionals, the media, and roundabout 60.000 festival goers alike.


Internationales Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg

Collini-Center, Galerie

Collinistr. 1-5
D-68161 Mannheim

T +49 621 10 29 43

T +49 621 15 23 16

F +49 621 29 15 64


Daniela Kötz
Programme Manager

T +49 621 15 60 154




Type : Festival

Période : Novembre

Deadline : Juillet

Prioritaire : Non